Page 32 - 三分鐘好療癒 香光安詳操
P. 32
30 三分鐘,好療癒―香光安詳操 合掌伸展操 31
四 斜向伸展 Diagonal stretch
1. 安穩站立,雙手向外、向上劃 2. 雙手於頭頂上方合掌,向上延 3. 雙手於胸前合掌。 6. 換邊,身體旋轉向左前方45°,右腳向後跨一大 7. 手回到胸前合掌,右腳收回,面向前方站立。雙
圈。 伸,拉長脊椎,到自己的極限。 Place your palms together in front of your 步,成弓箭步。雙手合掌向斜上方伸展,到極 手輕鬆放身體兩側。重覆「斜向伸展」動作1~2
Standing with feet firmly planted on the After placing your palms together above your chest. 限。 次。
ground, draw your hands upwards in a head, stretch upwards, lengthening your spine Change sides. Turn your body 45° to the left, take a big step back with Bring your palms together at the center of your chest. Draw your right
circular motion. as far as possible. your right leg, stepping into a lunge. Stretch your joined palms upwards foot in and stand facing forward. Rest your hands gently against the sides
diagonally as far as possible. of your body. Repeat the “diagonal stretch” 1-2 times.
4. 身體旋轉向右前方45°,左腳向後跨一大步,右膝彎曲下蹲成弓箭 9. 手回到胸前合掌,左腳收回,
步。雙手合掌向斜上方伸展,到自己的極限。 面向前方站立。
Turn your body 45° to the right, take a big step back with your left leg and bend your right knee, Bring your joined palms back to the center of
stepping into a lunge. Raise your joined palms upwards diagonally until you can no longer take the your chest. Draw your left foot in and stand
stretch any further. facing forward.