Page 34 - 三分鐘好療癒 香光安詳操
P. 34

32  三分鐘,好療癒―香光安詳操                                                                                                                                                                      合掌伸展操  33

                                                         五  弓箭伸展 Lunge

                                                         1.   安穩站立,雙手向外、向上劃           2.   雙手於頭頂上方合掌,向上延           3. 雙手於胸前合掌。                                 7.   雙手放前腳大腿中央,前腳伸直、後腳彎曲,重                 8. 手回到胸前合掌,右腳收回,回到站立。
                                                          圈。                           伸,拉長脊椎,到自己的極限。               Place your palms together in front of your   心向後、身體前傾、輕輕壓腿。                             Bring your palms together at the center of your chest. Draw your right
                                                           Standing with feet firmly planted on the   After placing your palms together above your   chest.      Placing your palms in the middle of your thigh on the leg in the front.   foot in and stand facing forward.
                                                           ground, draw your hands upwards in a   head, stretch upwards, lengthening your spine                  Straighten your front leg, and bend your back leg with your upper body
                                                           circular motion.             as far as possible.                                                      bending toward the front leg.

                                                         4.   右腳向前跨一大步、下蹲成弓           5.   雙手合掌向頭頂上方延伸,到           6.   反掌,手背相貼,再次向上延                          9.   換邊,左腳向前跨一大步、下蹲成弓箭步。雙手                 10.   左腳收回,回到站立。雙手輕鬆放身體兩側。
                                                           箭步。雙手合掌向前延伸,到               自己的極限。                       伸,到自己的極限。                                    合掌向前延伸至極限。重複上述5~7動作。                        重覆「弓箭伸展」動作1~2次。
                                                           自己的極限。                      Raise your joined palms and stretch them   Flip your hands and place the backs of your   Change sides. Take a big step forward with your left foot, lowering your   Draw your left foot in, return to standing position. Rest your hands
                                                           Take a big step forward with your right foot,   above your head, going as far upwards as you   hands together. Stretch them as far upwards   body into a lunge. Stretch your joined palms forward as far as you can   gently against the sides of your body. Repeat the “lunge exercise” 1-2
                                                           and lower your body into a lunge. Stretch   can.         as you can.                                  go. Repeat movements 5-7.                   times.
                                                           your joined palms forward as far as possible.
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