Page 27 - 三分鐘好療癒 香光安詳操
P. 27
合掌伸展操 25
一 反掌上推 Upward palms
暖身動作可自由、輕鬆、緩慢的,動動脖子、肩膀與手腕, 1. 安穩站立,雙手向外、向上劃 2. 雙手於頭頂上方合掌,向上延 3. 雙手於胸前合掌。
圈。 伸,拉長脊椎,到自己的極限。 Place your palms together in front of your
扭扭腰臀、膝蓋與腳踝。 Standing with feet firmly planted on the After placing your palms together above your chest.
ground, draw your hands upwards in a head, stretch upwards, lengthening your spine
暖身預備後,就可以開始做合掌伸展操囉! circular motion. as far as possible.
Pre-stretching preparations:
Always warm up before starting any stretching exercise.
Gentle warming up exercises to soften the joints and relax the muscles can help prevent injuries caused by exercise.
Warming up exercises can be done freely, gently and at your own pace.
Stretch your neck, shoulders, and wrists. Twist your waist, knees and ankles.
After warming up, you can now start the “Palms Joined” exercise!
4. 雙手手指交扣,反掌上推,墊腳尖。延伸至極限 5. 回到站立,雙手輕鬆放身體兩側。重覆「反掌上
後,維持平衡2秒。 推」動作1~2次。
Interlinking the fingers of both hands, stretch your palms above your Return to standing position, rest your hands lightly against the sides of
head and stand on your tip-toes. After stretching as far as you can go, your body. Repeat the “upward palms stretch” 1-2 times.
maintain your position for 2 seconds.