Page 30 - 三分鐘好療癒 香光安詳操
P. 30
28 三分鐘,好療癒―香光安詳操 合掌伸展操 29
三 頸背合掌 Neck and back
If you are unable to do it,
you can just touch
your fingertips to
each other.
1. 安穩站立,雙手向外、向上劃 2. 雙手於頭頂上方合掌,向上延 3. 雙手於胸前合掌。 5. 背部後側合掌。頸後合掌的雙手輕輕鬆開,移至背後合掌。注意抬頭挺胸縮下巴。
圈。 伸,拉長脊椎,到自己的極限。 Place your palms together in front of your Join your palms behind your back. Slowly separate your palms from their position behind your neck and move them to join behind your back. Keep your
Standing with feet firmly planted on the After placing your palms together above your chest. head raised, chest open, and chin tucked in.
ground, draw your hands upwards in a head, stretch upwards, lengthening your spine
circular motion. as far as possible.
The “neck and back” stretch can be highly
effective in straightening your posture
and counteract shoulder and neck pain,
which is helpful to our
way of life!
4. 頸部後側合掌。大拇指根部輕枕於頭部下方,手順著頸部曲線合掌。手肘盡量打開,抬頭挺胸縮下巴。 6. 回到站立,雙手輕鬆放身體兩側。重覆「頸背合掌」動作1~2次。
Place your palms together upside-down behind your head. Rest your thumbs against the lower part of the head. Fit the sides of your palms into the curve of Return to standing position. Rest your hands gently against the sides of your body. Repeat “neck and back stretch” 1-2 times.
your neck. Keep your elbows open as much as possible. Keep your head raised, chest open, and tuck in your chin.