Page 21 - 三分鐘好療癒 香光安詳操
P. 21

18  三分鐘,好療癒―香光安詳操                                                                     微笑按摩操  19

           1.   從臉部按摩開始。首先,從眉心,按摩至百                    2. 從眼睛下方,按摩至太陽穴。
             會穴。                                         Then, starting from under the eyes, massage outwards to your
             First, starting from the space between your eyebrows, massage   temples.
             upwards to the top of the head.

                                                                                    Since there are many lymph
                                                                                   nodes in the area around your
                                                                                   ears, massaging this spot can
                                                                                     ease physical tiredness.

 Sitting in a relaxed posture, form loose fists with both of your hands.  3. 從嘴唇上方,按摩至耳朵前方。  4. 從下巴,按摩至耳朵前方。
 Using your knuckles, lightly massage your face and body,   From above the upper lip, massage outwards to the sides of your   From the chin, massage upwards again to the sides of your face.
 drawing your hands up and outwards in the shape of a smile.   face next to your ears.
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