Page 19 - 三分鐘好療癒 香光安詳操
P. 19

16  三分鐘,好療癒―香光安詳操


 好心情                       微笑按摩操

 Staying in a good                       Smile Massage Exercise

      © subbotina / 123RF
 面對未來,我願意用慈愛的心、接納的心、積極的心,開創美好人生。」  簡單的微笑按摩 + 慈心的自我祝福 =

 放掌、深呼吸,輕輕睜開眼睛,微笑看世間。      舒通身心的疲累與高壓,身體與心靈一起微笑!
 Gently placing your palms together in front of your chest, set the following intention:  Easy smile massage + Loving wishes toward oneself =
 “I  completely accept all the people, situations, and events that I encounter.
 No matter what, I will support myself with total loving-kindness. I am my own best friend.   Letting go of physical and mental stress and tiredness to reveal a smiling new you!
  Looking forward, I will create a beautiful future based on loving-kindness, acceptance, and positivity.”
 Release your hands, breathe in deeply, and slowly open your eyes. Look at the world and smile.
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