Page 44 - 三分鐘好療癒 香光安詳操
P. 44

42  三分鐘,好療癒―香光安詳操                                                                                                                                                                      律動平衡操  43

                                                         三  側向平衡 Balancing on the side                                                                         四  旋轉律動 Rhythmic twisting

                                                         1  ▲                                                                                                  1  ▲
                                                         雙手                                                                                                    身體
                                                         側劃半圓                                                                                                  旋轉律動
                                                         Swinging Arms                                                                                         Rhythmic twisting

                                                                                                                        試著覺察:手腳擺動的速                                                                                           試著覺察:脊椎及每個身體
                                                                                                                        度,身體各部位的移動、重                                                                                          部位的旋轉律動,重心的上
                                                                                                                        心的上下左右移動與平衡穩                                                                                          下左右移動與平衡穩定等
                                                                                                                        定等等。                                                                                                  等。

                                                                                                                        完成後,再次回到「調身安                                                                                          完成後,再次回到「調身安
                                                                                                                        心」。自然呼吸,完全放                                                                                           心」。自然呼吸,完全放
                                                                                                                        鬆,清楚覺知,繼續下一組                                                                                          鬆,清楚覺知,繼續下一組
                                                                                                                        動作。                                                                                                   動作。
                                                                                                                        Note 1: Be aware of the speed of the
                                                                                                                        swing, the movement of each part                                                                      Note 1: Be aware of the movement
                                                         第一階段,雙手輕輕擺向左、右側邊,畫出半圓曲線。                                       of your body, and the shifting of the   第一階段,身體輕鬆向左、右旋轉,雙手自然擺動。                                       of your spine and each part of the
                                                         Stage 1: Gently swing your arms to the left and right sides, following the curve of a half-circle.  center of gravity as moving up and   Stage 1: Twist your body to the left and right relaxedly, letting your arms swing loosely.  body, and the shifting of the center of
                                                                                                                        downwards, to the left and right. Pay                                                                 gravity. Pay attention to the balance
                                                                                                                        attention to the balance and stability                                                                and stability of your body.
                                                                                                                        of your body.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Note 2: When complete, return to
                                                                                                                        Note 2: When complete, return to                                                                      “starting posture.” Breathe naturally
                                                         2  ▲                                                           “starting posture.” Breathe naturally   2  ▲                                                          and completely relax your body,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              while being fully aware. Continue on
                                                                                                                        and completely relax your body,
                                                         側向                                                             while being fully aware. Continue on   交叉                                                             to the next set of exercises.
                                                         抬腿平衡                                                           to the next set of exercises.          旋轉律動
                                                         Balancing with raised leg                                                                             Crossing and twisting

                                                         第二階段,雙手向左側畫半圓,同時右腳側抬,保持平衡;雙手向下摸到地板,同時膝蓋微蹲;雙手向右                                                        第二階段,身體旋轉向左,同時右手輕拍左腳,微蹲保持平衡。換邊。身體旋轉向右,同時左手輕拍右
                                                         側畫半圓,同時左腳側抬,保持平衡。                                                                                     腳,微蹲保持平衡。
                                                         Stage 2: Swinging your arms to the left in the shape of a half-circle, simultaneously raise your right foot. Keep your balance. Lower both arms to touch the   Stage 2: Twist your body to the left while touching your left foot with your right hand. Squat gently and keep your balance. Change sides. Twist your body to
                                                         floor while bending your knee into a gentle squat. Swing both arms to the right, while raising your left foot.  the right while touching your right foot with your left hand. Gently squat to keep your balance.
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