Page 43 - 三分鐘好療癒 香光安詳操
P. 43
40 三分鐘,好療癒―香光安詳操 律動平衡操 41
一 前彎後仰 Forward and back movements 二 上下律動 Up and down movements
1 ▲ 1 ▲
頭部 手部
前彎後仰 上下律動
Head bending Rhythmicity of arms
完成後,再次回到「調身安 試著覺察:從頭到腳,每個
心」。自然呼吸,完全放 身體部位的移動,手部、腰
鬆,清楚覺知,繼續下一組 臀、膝蓋、腳踝,腳趾,以
動作。 及重心平衡的變化等等。
Note 1: Be aware of each part of 完成後,再次回到「調身安
your body as it is moving, from your 心」。自然呼吸,完全放
head to your feet, the stretching of
your muscles and the stability of your 鬆,清楚覺知,繼續下一組
第一階段,頭部向前彎,往後仰。 standing. 第一階段,雙手掌心輕鬆地朝上、向下移動。 動作。
Stage 1: Bend your head forward and lean your head back. Note 2: When complete, return to Stage 1: With your palms facing upward, raise your arms up. Then lower your arms down with the
“starting posture.” Breathe naturally palms facing downward. Note 1: Be aware of each part of your
and completely relax your body, body as it is moving, from your head
while being fully aware. Continue on to your feet. Your arms, waist, knees,
to the next set of exercises. ankles, and down to each toe and the
shifting of your center of gravity.
2 ▲ 2 ▲
身體 身體 Note 2: When complete, return to
“starting posture.” Breathe naturally
前彎後仰 上下律動 and completely relax your body,
while being fully aware. Continue on
Body bending Rhythmicity of body to the next set of exercises.
第二階段,依自己的柔軟度,身體前彎,雙手自然下垂;慢慢起身、輕輕向後仰,雙手向上延伸。 第二階段,雙手向上,同時墊腳尖;雙手向下,同時曲膝蹲下,雙手摸到地板。
Stage 2: Bend the body forward within your flexibility, letting your hands hang. Slowly straighten your body and gently lean backward, raising your arms up Stage 2: Raise both arms while rising on the tips of your toes, then lower your arms while bending at the knees to touch the floor.
over your head.