Page 13 - 三分鐘好療癒 香光安詳操
P. 13

10  三分鐘,好療癒―香光安詳操                                                                   三分鐘安詳操  11

 壹  頸部伸展 Neck stretches

 一 . 前點後仰   三 . 頸部旋轉
 Forward and backward   Rotating

 1.   頭輕輕地向前點,伸展頸部後側肌肉。   2.   頭輕輕地向後仰,伸展頸部前側肌肉。   1.   頭慢慢轉向右後方。   2.   回正,頭轉向左後方。
   Tilt your head gently forward, stretching the muscles on the back of the   Lean your head gently backward, stretching the muscles at the front of   Slowly turn your head to the right.  Return to center, then turn your head to the left.
 neck.  the neck.

          貳  肩膀伸展 Shoulder stretches

 二 . 頭部側彎

 1.   頭側彎向右,右耳朵貼向右肩膀,左肩膀放鬆往  2.   換邊。左耳朵貼向左肩膀,右肩膀往下沈,伸展  1.   肩膀向後旋轉三圈,再向前三圈。
 下沈,伸展肩頸肌群。   到極限。   Rotate your shoulders backwards three times, and then forwards three times.
 Bend your neck to the right. Bring your right ear down to right shoulder   Change sides. Bring left ear down to your left shoulder, stretching your
 with lowering of left shoulder, stretching neck and shoulder muscles.   neck to the fullest.
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