中觀思想講錄 縮語表
GOS︰ | Gaekwad's Oriental Series
IHQ︰ | The Indian Historical Qarterly
JAOS︰ | Journal of the American Oriental Society
JBORS︰ | Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society
JBP︰ | Journal of Buddhist Philosophy
JDBS: | Buddhist Studies: The Journal of the Department of Buddhist Studies, University of Delhi
JIABS︰ | Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies
JIES︰ | Journal of Indo-European Studies
JIP︰ | Journal of Indian Philosophy
JNRC︰ | Journal of the Nepal Research Centre
JPTS︰ | Journal of the Pali Text Society
JRAS︰ | Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
MCB︰ | Melanges Chinois et Bouddhiques
PEW︰ | Philosophy East and West
WZKSO︰ | Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde Sun-und Ostasiens