書 名 | 作者 | 出版社 | 出版日期 | ISBN |
A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms : With Sanskrit and English Equivalents and a Sanskrit-Pali Index | by William E. Soothill, Lewis Hodous | Curzon Press | 2001.12 | 0700714553 |
A Handbook of Pali Literature (Indian Philology and South Asian Studies, 2) | by Osker Von Hinuber | Walter De Gruyter | 2001.12 | 3110167387 |
Among Tibetan Texts : History and Literature of the Himalayan Plateau (Studies in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism) | by E. Gene Smith, Kurtis R. Schaeffer (Editor), Jeffrey Hopkins | Wisdom Publications | 2001.12 | 0861711793 |
Awakening the Buddhist Heart : Integrating Love, Meaning, and Connection into Every Part of Your Life | by Lama Surya Das | Broadway Books | 2001.12 | 0767902777 |
Buddhism (Religions of Mankind) | by Julien Ries | Chelsea House Pub | 2001.12 | 0791066266 |
Buddhism (Religions of the World) | by Patricia D. Netzley | Lucent Books | 2001.12 | 156006983X |
Buddhism and Deconstruction : Towards a Comparative Semiotics | by Wang Youxuan | Curzon Press | 2001.12 | 0700713867 |
Buddhism and Politics in Twentieth Century Asia | by Ian Harris | Continuum | 2001.12 | 0826451780 |
Buddhist Daily Ritual | by Gregory Sharkey | White Orchid Pr | 2001.12 | 9748304809 |
Coming to Terms With Chinese Buddhism : A Reading of the Treasure Store Treatise (Studies in East Asian Buddhism, No. 14) | by Robert H. Sharf | Univ of Hawaii Pr | 2001.12 | 0824824431 |
Contemporary Buddhist Ethics (Curzon Critical Studies in Buddhism, 17) | by Damien Keown | Curzon Press | 2001.12 | 070071278X |
Gotama Buddha : A Biography Based on the Most Reliable Texts | by Hajime Nakamura | Kosei Pub | 2001.12 | 4333018935 |
Imagining a Place for Buddhism : Literary Culture and Religious Community in Tamil-Speaking South India | by Anne E. Monius | Oxford University Press | 2001.12 | 0195139992 |
Luminous Emptiness : A Guide to the Tibetan Book of the Dead | by Francesca Fremantle, Karma-Glin-Pa Bar Do Thos Grol | Shambhala Publications | 2001.12 | 157062450X |
Neither Monk nor Layman: Clerical Marriage in Modern Japanese Buddhism | by Richard M. Jaffe | Princeton Univ Pr | 2001.12 | 069107495X |
No Words : The Teachings of the Buddha | by Tara Kandahsari (Editor), Cintya Kandahsari (Editor), Buddhist Text transl | Buddhist Text Translation Society | 2001.12 | 0881394262 |
Primordial Experience : An Introduction to Rdzogs-Chen Meditation | by Manjusrimitra, Namkhai Norbu (Translator), Kennard Lipman (Translator), b Simmons | Shambhala Publications | 2001.12 | 157062898X |
Religious Feminism and the Future of the Planet : A Buddhist-Christian Conversation | by Rita M. Gross, Rosemary Radford Ruether | Continuum Pub Group | 2001.12 | 0826413021 |
Religious Giving and the Invention of Karma in Theravada Buddhism (Curzon Studies in Asian Religions, 5) | by James R. Egge | Curzon Press | 2001.12 | 0700715061 |
Teachers of Enlightenment | by Kulanandu | Windhorse Publications | 2001.12 | 1899579257 |
The Buddha | by John S. Strong | Oneworld Publications Ltd | 2001.12 | 1851682562 |
The Conscious Manager : Zen for Decision Makers | by Fred Phillips | | 2001.12 | 1581510799 |
The Dalai Lama in America Beacon Theater Lecture : Beacon Theater Lecture #3 (The Dalai Lama in America Beacon Theater Lecture, 3) [ABRIDGED] | by Bstan-Dzin-Rgya-Mtsho, Richard Gere (Introduction), His Holiness the d | Simon & Schuster (Audio) | 2001.12 | 0743508920 |
The Fwbo Puja Book : A Book of Buddhist Devotional Texts | by Dhammadinna (Editor) | Windhorse Publications | 2001.12 | 0904766403 |
The Poetic and Didactic Literatures of Indian Buddhism | by Michael Hahn | Brill Academic Publishers | 2001.12 | 9004105107 |
The Quantum and the Lotus : A Journey to the Frontiers Where Science and Buddhism Meet | by Matthieu Ricard, Trinh Xuan Thuan, Xuan Thuan Trinh | Crown Pub | 2001.12 | 0609608541 |
The Way to Shambhala : A Search for the Mythical Kingdom Beyond the Himalayas | by Edwin Bernbaum | Shambhala Publications | 2001.12 | 1570628742 |
Three Gandhari Ekottarikagama-Type Sutras : British Library Kharosthi Fragmments 12 and 14 (Gandharan Buddhist Texts, V. 2) | by Mark Allon (Editor), Andrew Glass (Editor), British Library | | 2001.12 | 0295981857 |
Way of Zen | by Martine Batchelor | Thorsons Pub | 2001.12 | 000712001X |
What Is the Sanghi : Nature of Spiritual Community | by Sangarakshita | Windhorse Publications | 2001.12 | 1899579311 |
Wheel of Life | by Kulanandu | Windhorse Publications | 2001.12 | 1899579303 |
Zen Buddhism : Beliefs and Practices | by Merv Fowler | Sussex Academic Pr | 2001.12 | 1902210425 |
Zen Buddhism Encyclopedia | by Helen Baroni | Rosen Publishing Group | 2001.12 | 0823922405 |
《六門教授習定論》解說 | 釋惠敏講述 | 西蓮淨苑 | 2001.12 | 957-8435-43-6 |
九華步步蓮 | 聖嚴法師著 | 法鼓 | 2001.12 | 9575981952 |
六祖壇經現代直解 | 梁乃崇講述 | 圓覺文教 | 2001.12 | 957-9239-07-X |
古陽洞--龍門石窟第1443窟 | 劉景龍編著 | 科學 | 2001.12 | 7-03-009766-1 |
佛教的香與香器 | 全佛編輯部主編 | 全佛文化 | 2001.12 | 957-2031-12-0 |
身心自在 | 妙通寺編著 | 水星文化 | 2001.12 | 986-7958-08-X |
近世中國佛教的曙光:雲棲袾宏之研究 | 荒木見悟著;周賢博譯 | 慧明文化 | 2001.12 | 9867940067 |
南傳上座部佛教概論 | 韓廷傑著 | 文津 | 2001.12 | 957-668-668-7 |
春行在波蘭 | 聖嚴法師著 | 法鼓 | 2001.12 | 9575981979 |
普陀訪聖蹟 | 聖嚴法師著 | 法鼓 | 2001.12 | 9575981960 |
智諭老和尚圓寂紀念集 | 智諭老和尚圓寂紀念集編輯委員會編輯 | 西蓮淨苑 | 2001.12 | 957-8435-45-2 957-8435-46-0 |
無量義經 | 釋證嚴講述 | 慈濟文化 | 2001.12 | 957-8300-96-4 |
圓覺經.浮生若夢戲三昧 | 伊凡著 | 唵阿吽 | 2001.12 | 957-9022-44-5 |
頓悟一剎那 | 釋如本著 | 法王講堂 | 2001.12 | 986-80055-0-7 |
隱元禪師與萬福寺 | 陳水源編著 | 晨星 | 2001.12 | 957-455-127-X |
覺醒佛心 | 舒亞.達斯(Lama Surya Das)著 | 橡樹林文化 | 2001.12 | 957-469-864-5 |
千崛百崎洪州禪 | 蔡日新著 | 慧炬 | 2001.11 | 957-518-130-1 |
五世達賴教政權力的崛起 | 王俊中著 | 新文豐 | 2001.11 | 957-17-1955-2 |
四分律比丘戒本講義親聞記 | 廣化法師講述 | 南林 | 2001.11 | 957-30845-6-2 |
如何修證密法 | 卓格多傑金剛上師作 | 水星文化 | 2001.11 | 986-7958-06-3 |
自己的路,勇敢的走 | 蔣揚仁欽著 | 商周 | 2001.11 | 957-667-999-0 |
至尊金剛瑜伽母那洛空行儀軌合集 | 蔣揚欽澤旺波,旺貢噶雷貝炯內等著 | 大藏文化 | 2001.11 | 957-30208-4-X |
西藏天珠 | 林東廣作 | 藏傳佛教文物 | 2001.11 | 957-744-990-5 |
西藏精神 | 馬修.李卡德(Matthiew Ricard)著 | 橡樹林文化 | 2001.11 | 957-469-829-7 957-469-830-0 |
律典故事精選集 | 釋見文著 | 和裕 | 2001.11 | 957-0469-24-2 |
峨嵋雲水遊 | 聖嚴法師著 | 法鼓文化 | 2001.11 | 957-598-193-6 |
真言事典 | 八田幸雄著 | 嘉豐 | 2001.11 | 957-98985-7-X |
耕耘播種 | 藍吉富等編輯 | 中華佛學研究所 | 2001.11 | 957-98070-2-7 |
塵盡光生 | 釋證嚴著 | 慈濟文化 | 2001.11 | 957-8300-94-8 |
認識密教 | 圓烈阿闇黎耶作 | 大千 | 2001.11 | 957-8231-76-8 |
土門拳古寺を訪ねて京.洛北から宇治へ | 土門拳寫真.文 | 小學館 | 2001.12 | 4-09-411423-8 |
大乘佛典4 法華經1 | 松濤誠廉,長尾雅人,丹治昭義譯 | 中央公論新社 | 2001.12 | 4-12-203949-5 |
女が語る佛事と供養人はなぜ、合掌するのか | 西村登美子著;樂人社編集 | 祥傳社 | 2001.12 | 4-396-41020-4 |
中世寺院社會の研究 (思文閣史學叢書) | 下[土*反]守著 | 思文閣 | 2001.12 | 4-7842-1091-1 |
日本の佛教第2期第3卷日本佛教の文獻ガイド | 日本佛教研究會編 | 法藏館 | 2001.12 | 4-8318-0289-1 |
王法と佛法 - 中世史の構圖 增補新版 | 黑田俊雄著 | 法藏館 | 2001.12 | 4-8318-7483-3 |
本願力まことに遇う | 藤田徹文著 | 探究社 | 2001.12 | 4-88483-630-8 |
生きる指針あるがままに老い、死ぬということ | 松久保秀胤著 | 河出書房新社 | 2001.12 | 4-309-23065-2 |
白山信仰の源流 泰澄の生涯と古代佛教 | 本鄉真紹著 | 法藏館 | 2001.12 | 4-8318-8148-1 |
西本願寺「スキャンダル」の真相!日本最大佛教教團の"經濟犯罪"から"セクハラ暴力"まで (別冊寶島Real 025) | 一ノ宮美成編著,グルㄧプ.K21編著 | 寶島社 | 2001.12 | 4-7966-2502-X |
宗家直伝枇杷葉溫庄で難病に克つ!生活習慣病を擊退?する驚異の秘法 | 濱田峰瑞著 | 牧野 | 2001.12 | 4-89500-105-9 |
時慶記 第1卷 天正十五年、十九年 文祿二年 | 〔西洞院 時慶記〕;時慶記研究會翻刻.校訂 | 淨土真宗本願寺派出版事業局本願寺出版社 | 2001.12 | 4-653-03761-2 |
般若心經の新しい讀み方 | 立川武藏著 | 春秋社 | 2001.12 | 4-393-13503-2 |
荷車を曳くブッダ佛教成立の歷史的前提 | フォㄧラム.サンガ編著 | 杉並けやき | 2001.12 | 4-434-01410-2 |
釋尊の呼吸法--大安般守意經に學ぶ | 村木弘昌著 | 春秋社 | 2001.12 | 4-393-71042-8 |
あなただけの弘法大師空海 | 立松和平,武內孝善著;松長有慶監修 | 小學館 | 2001.12 | 4-09-387315-1 |
かわいい佛さまを雕る | 阪田庄乾著 | 淡交社 | 2001.12 | 4-473-01863-6 |
わかる佛教史 | 宮元啟一著 | 春秋社 | 2001.12 | 4-393-13505-9 |
オㄧストラリア人の禪南半球の發想 | ロバㄧト.トレボㄧラング著;柏瀨省五譯.解說 | 大學教育 | 2001.12 | 4-88730-466-8 |
バㄧミヤㄧン全4卷 | [木*通]口隆康編 | 同朋舍メデイアプラン | 2001.12 | 4-901339-13-3 |
一遍聖人と聖繪 | 高野修著 | 岩田書院 | 2001.11 | 4-87294-211-6 |
世親思想の研究─『釋軌論』を 中心として─ | 李鐘徹著 | 山喜房佛書林 | 2001.11 | |
正信念佛偈の教相 上、下 | 平野修著 | 法藏館 | 2001.11 | 4-8318-4043-2 4-8318-4044-0 |
生死を問う:醫療現場をめぐって | 淨土真宗教學研究所編;教學シンボジウム 記錄 | 本願寺出版社 | 2001.11 | 4-89416-938-X |
石山寺資料叢書 第7卷─近世文書集成─ | 石山寺文化財綜合調查團編 | 法藏館 | 2001.11 | 4-8318-7506-6 |
在家佛教 12月號─いのちゆたかに─ | | 在家佛教協會 | 2001.11 | |
佛教をいかに學ぶか─佛教研究の方法論的反省─ | 日本佛教學會編 | 平樂寺書店 | 2001.11 | 4-8313-1060-3 |
佛さまの功德と由來:諸尊經典要義─十三佛篇─ | 下泉全曉編著 | 青山社 | 2001.11 | 4-88414-013-3 |
阿彌陀經のことばたち | [遠-袁+十]本敬順著 | 本願寺出版社 | 2001.11 | 4-89416-939-8 |
唯識初步─心を見つめる佛教の智慧─ | 松久保秀胤著 | 鈴木出版 | 2001.11 | 4-7902-1103-7 |
現代語譯洞門禪文學集 洞山 | 飯田利行編譯 | 國書刊行會 | 2001.11 | 4-336-04353-1 |
敦煌石窟 第3卷(第6回配本) 莫高窟第428窟 | 大沼淳.他監修 | 文化出版局 | 2001.11 | 4-579-50165-9 |
道元禪の近代化過程 | 山內舜雄著 | 大藏出版 | 2001.11 | 4-8043-1052-5 |
劍禪一如─澤庵和尚の教え─ | 結城令聞著 | 大東出版社 | 2001.11 | 4-500-00670-2 |
禪 無所得を生きる | 松山寬惠著 | 春秋社 | 2001.11 | 4-393-14403-1 |