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提要  Study on the “Abridged Manual for Cultivation and Realization of [Repentance] Ritual [based on] the Scripture of Perfect Enlightenment Bodhimanda” compiled by Jingyuan (1011-1088)
  This thesis analyzes and examines the Abridged Manual for Cultivation and Realization of [Repentance] Ritual [based on] the Scripture of Perfect Enlightenment Bodhimanda compiled by Jingyuan’s (1011-1088). This Abridged Manual is a summary of Zongmi (780-841)’s 18-scroll Liturgy for Cultivation and Practice of the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment Bodhimanda. Jingyuan’s work presents the essential procedure and principles of this 18-scroll liturgy in a concise form, so that the ritual could be completed within a short period of time instead of several weeks.
  Based on Zongmi’s idea the “Invitation Ritual” is to be performed before the “Offering Ritual”. This appears to be a major deviation from ritualistic traditions presented in other repentance texts. The “Purification Ritual” especially on three external factors (Bodhi site, clothing, and body), is taken seriously as it is the first step in the initiation of the liturgy. It is believed that these three external factors could affect the calmness and purity of mind of the practitioners and thus should be treated with maximum attentiveness. Besides, it also shows respectfulness to all the Buddhas and Sages who are going to be invited to attend the repentance ritual.
  A copy of the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment is worshipped in the Bodhi site, and Chapter of the Perfect Enlightenment from this sutra is going to be recited at the end of the liturgy procedures. The Three kinds of Contemplations (Samatha, samapatti, and dhyana) which were taught in this sutra were introduced as the meditation methods in this Manual. In addition, the Three Sages of Huayan are enshrined in the Bodhi site. Thus one might conclude that both the work of Zongmi and Jingyuan represent a combined Perfect Enlightenment-Huayan tradition, and thus are characteristic works of late Tang-Song Huayan tradition.
  The structure of this Abridged Manual is comprised of the series of systematic ritual actions. The ritual begins with the initial step of purification of the surrounding environment, and gradually unfolds into the process of inner purification, that is purification of body, speech, and mind. Jingyuan indicates the specific importance of the practice of Fivefold Repentance, the Ten Minds of Contradiction and Following the Cycle of Rebirth and Death, and Ratnamati’s Seven Ways of Worshipping Buddhas in this repentance liturgy.
  Eventually, Jingyuan concluded that this repentance liturgy actually belongs to the Bodhi site of Chan Contemplation and all the repentance procedures are considered as the expedient means. It is because Zongmi presumed that the Bodhi site Practice is a skilful method for people with inferior capacity to cultivate and to realize their intrinsic “Perfect Enlightenment”.
  In conclusion, this Abridged Manual is suitable for people in this Age of Final Dharma to practice. The retreat period implied by this Abridged Manual depends on one’s ability and inspiration. It could be short, such as completed within 7 days or even within a day, or it can be as long as 49 days of observation. As this Manual has long been abandoned, hopefully my research will contribute to the revival of it in modern monastic practices. It will purify bodies and minds of sentient beings.

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