香光尼眾佛學院圖書館 資料庫檢索

論文名稱A Study of Wencai and the Core Teaching in New Commentary on Zhao Lun
提要  Zhao Lun by Sengzhao is accredited for its clarification of the concepts of existence, emptiness, wisdom and reality. In the history of Chinese Buddhism, many learned masters have incorporated traditional Chinese thinking and Buddhist thoughts in their study of Zhao Lun. In this respect, this research is concerned with the influence of Zhao Lun possibly had on the formation and development of the Huayan Buddhist thought, especially during the later period of the Song and Yuan dynasties.
  Huayan thinkers since the Tang Dynasty were accustomed in using the paradigm of integrating meditation practices and doctrinal teachings (禪教合一) to construct an integrated whole. On this basis, the Huayan patriarchs had attempted to integrate the study of prajJA with the teachings of Huayan as an application of the unobstructed integration. This Huayan explanatory technique for the teachings of other Buddhist traditions may be originally inspired by Fazang’s Commentary on Heart Sutra.
  The study of Wencai has provided a better understanding of the extent to which Huayan tradition had continued into the early Yuan Dynasty. In the chapter of Core Teaching in New Commentary on Zhao Lun, Wencai had showed special interest in understanding Jingyuan’s commentary on Zhao Lun from Huayan perspective. Therefore, historical and textual analyses are applied in this study for clarifying the intellectual history and development of Huayan Buddhism through the Song and Yuan Dynasties.

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