香光尼眾佛學院圖書館 資料庫檢索

提要  The Sūtra of Ānanda’s Seven Dreams is an ancient little-known text which Ānanda experienced a series of seven symbolic dreams. Of the seven, six dreams are so-called the symbols of the Buddhist eschatology, which illustrate the fall of Buddhism.
  Are those dreams really the symbols of Buddhist eschatology? Alternatively, is there something more to them?
  Indeed, from one look, the sūtra seems depressing. However, everything that the Buddha taught was out of perfect compassion and wisdom. Buddha did not teach about the Buddhist eschatology as a negative prophecy for us to self-fulfill, but as a reminder to be diligent.
  Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to provide a detailed analytical study of this sūtra. In addition, as there is no complete English translation available, this paper presents an English translation and an associated contemporary interpretation based on my hermeneutics.
  Lastly, with an overview of the development of various Buddhist schools and general measures (together with contemporary examples for illustration) taken regarding these prophecies, this paper aims to demonstrate that the prophecies within those dreams is certainly a skillful mean to inspire, motivate and unite Buddhists.

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