香光尼眾佛學院圖書館 資料庫檢索

論文名稱《華嚴五教止觀》中<事理圓融門>的圓融思想 = The Idea of Interfusion In The Gate of The Perfect Interfusion of Thing and Principle of Huayan Five Teachings of Calming and Contemplation
提要  The idea of antithetical entities is an important factor in Buddhism, especially in the thought of interfusion of Huayan School. Every dharma possesses antithetical entities in them that bear the relationship of non-duality. Surrounding the topic of interfusion amd the Huayan School, this paper provides a historical background of Dushun (557-640) who is generally recognized as the first patriarch of the Huayan School and establishes his connection and influences towards the Huayan School.
  Chapter Two gives an introduction on the structure and content of the Huayan’s Five Teachings of Calming and Contemplation. And in Chapter Three, research will be done based on the antithetical entities that exist in Dushun’s Huayan’s Five Teachings of Calming and Contemplation where antithetical thoughts had appeared vastly in the subtitles to the five calming and contemplation approaches and also in the content. However, the main emphasis of the discussion will be based on the textual contents of The Gate of the Perfect Interfusion of Things and Principle to identify the relationship between the two subjects and to illustrate the meanings of interfusion. From the antithetical entities found within the targeted content, they will be analyzed into the most common pair of antithetical entities in the Huayan School—principle and thing.

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