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論文名稱Ciguang Wuen and the Dawn of Shanjia/Shanwai Debate
提要  The primary concern of this thesis is to look closely into the life and ideas of Ciguang Wuen慈光晤恩 (912-988 A.D.) and his circle, which later became known as Shanwai山外 group within the Tiantai School. This group which included such famous personalities of the Song Buddhism as Fengxian Yuanqiang奉先源清 (d.997) and Gushan Zhiyuan孤山智圓 (976-1022) traced its origin to Wuen and claimed to share his ideas on a number of important doctrinal issues, including the authenticity of Zhiyi’s智顗 (538-597) commentary to the Golden Light sutra (Jinguangming jing 金光明經) and adequacy of the claims that the practice of the “mind contemplation” (guanxin 觀心) in fact represents the authentic teaching of the great master Tiantai. These issues later became the foundations for the so called shanjia/shanwai controversy which to very substantial degree determined the intellectual agenda of the Song Dynasty Tiantai School. Being an alleged founder of the Shanwai group, Wuen emerges as a key figure in the split of the Tiantai School, and the traces of his influence could be seen all through the Northern Song period. Since none of his works survived, this thesis is predominantly based on the biographical materials and writings of Wuen’s disciples and intellectual adversaries which allow some limited reconstruction of Wuen’s ideas. This paper intends to examine the life of Wuen and clarify wherever possible Wuen’s position within the Tiantai doctrinal history.

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