香光尼眾佛學院圖書館 資料庫檢索

論文名稱《中阿含經》受念處在修證清淨心過程中的角色探討 = The Role of Contemplation of feelings in the Process of Cultivation and Realization of Pure Mind Based on the Madhyama Āgama
提要  The mind is the basis of bondage and liberation. Therefore, the purification of mind is highly emphasized in Buddhist practices. “Feeling”, which arises conditioned by contact of sense organs and sense objects, is the crucial point that should not be neglected in the practice of purifying the mind. Feeling activates latent tendencies of the mind towards craving, aversion and ignorance. For those who do not establish mindfulness, these powerful sensations may drag them into various emotional reactions and give rise to unwholesome mental factors, such as desire, anger, ignorance and so forth.
  Feeling is the key to deciding both the defilement and the purity of the mind. The purification of the mind can be achieved at the point of feeling. This thesis attempts to study one of the four foundations of mindfulness-the contemplation of feelings to explore its role in the process of cultivation and realization of pure mind. It is hoped that the study of the Āgama Sutras, with emphasis on the Madhyama Āgama, which is the earliest Buddhist text reflecting the teachings of Buddha in early Buddhism, will further a deeper understanding of the pure mind. Additionally, this research was carried out in hopes of clarifying how the theoretical provides the method for the actual practice of contemplation of feelings in the process of cultivation and realization of pure mind.

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