香光尼眾佛學院圖書館 資料庫檢索

提要  Buddhism often speaks of “vows”. A vow is a personal promise that will affect a person’s whole being. In a more concrete sense, it means the firm resolve made especially upon experiencing the wonders on practicing the Dharma or hearing the discourses of the Buddha.
  What, then, is the meaning of a resolve in the Early Buddhism? This research intends to focus on the concept of resolve and vows and the instances advocated by the Buddha as manifested in the Early Buddhism – the Nikāyas. This paper will also look into the functions and features of such resolves. The purpose of the study is to find the existence of resolve making in Early Buddhism. Various forms of definition and usage of the terms in these texts and scriptures will be stated. Then, the meaning of each terms and its usage will be analyzed. The importance and development of the terms will also be evaluated.
  With this study, the value of making a resolve and the appropriate methods of doing so as advocated by the Buddha would be understood. Another significance of this study is to comprehend the idea of vows and resolves making in the Early Buddhism sources. This understanding would create a universal understanding between the different schools of thought and once again, would prove that the Buddha’s teaching is one, and not multiple.

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