香光尼眾佛學院圖書館 資料庫檢索

條列式查詢結果:共26筆、2頁記錄  Page : 1

論 文 名 稱
研 究 生
1“Transference of Merits” on the Basis of the Profound Merit:Transference S?tra Told by the Buddha 楊雅雯 釋永東
2《大乘起信論》與宋代天臺思想 莊惠雯(釋妙光) 索羅寧
3《中阿含經》受念處在修證清淨心過程中的角色探討 = The Role of Contemplation of feelings in the Process of Cultivation and Realization of Pure Mind Based on the Madhyama Āgama 曾秀燕(釋妙馨) 釋永東
4《華嚴五教止觀》中<事理圓融門>的圓融思想 = The Idea of Interfusion In The Gate of The Perfect Interfusion of Thing and Principle of Huayan Five Teachings of Calming and Contemplation 卓雪莉(釋有紀) 索羅寧副教授
5《圓悟佛果禪師語錄》之禪法研究 吳芬錦 釋果鏡
6A Comparison between Peter Drucker’s Non : profit Organization Management Theory and Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order’s Management 王慧媛 釋永東
7A Study of Wencai and the Core Teaching in New Commentary on Zhao Lun 劉沁妮(釋妙淨) 索羅寧
8A Study on the Effect Of Children Meditation Class - Based on Fo Guang Shan Chiayi Educational Hall 林婷詩 釋永東
9Ciguang Wuen and the Dawn of Shanjia/Shanwai Debate 曾玉蓮(釋有德) 索羅寧
10Interaction between Buddhism and Chinese Culture – The study of Zhuhong's “Jiesha fangsheng wen” 王保利(釋慧裴) K. J. Solonin
12Moving from Religious to Mainstream —Comparative analysis between DaAi (大愛電視) and BLTV (人間衛視) Based on the Theory of Non-self (Anātman) 徐淑芬 王石番劉國威
13Studies on the Mahāmūdra Practice Based on Tilopa’s Mahāmūdra Upadeśa--Interpretations by Contemporary Tibetan Masters 黃美芳 劉國威奧村浩基
14Study of the Chapter on Dāna Pāramitā : Based on the Mahāyāna Sūtra on the Way to the Six Pāramitās by Prajñā 廖錦平(釋妙哲) 索羅寧
15The Concept of True Self in Chan Buddhism Particularly in the Study of Linji Lu 鍾玉云 索羅寧
16人間佛教音樂與非佛教徒中之影嚮研究:以菲律賓“佛陀傳-悉達多太子”為例 = The Study of the Impact of the Influence of Humanistic Buddhism Music on the Participants of the “Biography of the Buddha” Musical Production in the Philippines Marie Antoinette R. Gorgonio 姚玉霜
17人間淨土的開展:宗教信仰於癌症患者生活品質相關性研究 簡采汝(釋常妙) 釋惠敏
18以《阿難七夢經》談末法思想 蔡麗卿(釋有智) 釋永東
19佛光人間生活禪與社會教育:以福山寺為例 鍾貴文 K. J. 索羅寧
20佛使比丘對大乘思想之影響 何錦玲(釋有方) 奧村浩基

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