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論文名稱A Comparison between Peter Drucker’s Non : profit Organization Management Theory and Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order’s Management
提要  Fo Guang Shan (FGS) Buddhist Order is the most international and largest Chinese Buddhist Order at present. Founded in 1967, up until FGS’ 40th Anniversary, it has developed so fast that the total number of FGS monasteries around the world surpassed 200 temples in 33 countries; and its constituent organizations at present total more than four hundred worldwide. Buddhist monasteries were established primarily for spiritual purposes, but when an establishment grows gradually, it requires a managerial system for the sustainable development.
  Peter F. Drucker is considered the father of modern management and was one of the top ten management gurus. He said, “Management is the organ of institutions, the organ that converts a mob into an organization, and human efforts into performance.” He is one of the first who wrote about the management of Non-profit Organizations.
  The main purpose of this study is to contribute to our understanding of the managerial practice of this religious Non-profit Organization by comparing Peter F. Drucker’s teachings with Master Hsing Yun’s management philosophy at FGS and in his daily management practices based on observing the five functions of management: planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling.
  This research will adopt in-depth interviews to collect data about FGS management practice. The mission of this Buddhist Order seems to be quite clear; the strategic planning is guided by the Board of Directors according to the needs of society; FGS practices an alternated leadership; and the monasatics change their working posts to learn new skills every three years. FGS develops the potential in each individual; the most important characteristics of leaders are to be tolerant, and to have a mind of offering, that is, giving satisfaction, happiness and Dharma joy. Team work and consensus is the key relation between them, and the leaders have a double challenge of serving people and working on their internal cultivation.
  Master Hsing Yun is very wise for having founded Buddha Light’s International Association, an association that gathers lay devotees and volunteers together with the monastics for the propagation of Dharma.
  The management principles of Non-profit Organization taught by Peter F. Drucker are most applicable to real life practices, while FGS management practice contains vast and deeper elements for discussion.

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