香光尼眾佛學院圖書館 資料庫檢索

論文名稱A Study on the Effect Of Children Meditation Class - Based on Fo Guang Shan Chiayi Educational Hall
提要  The thesis presents a study on the effects of the Children Meditation Class – based on Fo Guang Shan Chia Yi Educational Hall. It attempts to clarify whether meditation can also be applied to the preschool children (5-6 years old) as well as the primary school children. Traditionally, children are encouraged to learn and possess with all kinds of skills at a very young age, such as learning second language, training of mathematic skills and so on. With these skills acquired, it is believed that children can be more competitive to the future society and adaptive to the social life. In addition to the abilities that the children have to acquire, children will also understand themselves better while going through the state of mental development. The importance of “concentration” for the children cannot be overemphasized as they should learn how to focus on their studies and gain wisdom on things in a more effective ways.
  This study deals with the exploration on the effects of children meditation which will be suitable for readers who would like to practice and acquire skills on how to pacify one’s mind based on the research on children. There are literature reviews as well as supporting academic results to better the development of the thesis. The research outcomes referred in the thesis would be the effects and examining of results on the practice of meditation by the scholars and professors in different fields. The experiences shared by the participants, the children and their parents are also included.
  It is found that the effects of children meditation can be recognized from the changes of their behaviors and self-awareness of their own manners. This research also allows the researcher understand how a children meditation class is conducted and what kinds of activities are applied to help children improve their time span of concentration. The discussion also includes how the objects of the children meditation class have been utilized and have helped the children after their enrollment and participation of the class.

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