《吉祥經》Discourse on Blessings(Maha-mangala Sutta)
如是我聞Thus have I heard:
一時,佛住舍衛國祇樹給孤獨園。On one occasion the Blessed One was living near Savatthi at Anathapindika's monastery.
時已夜深,有一天神,殊勝光明,遍照園中,來至佛所。Now when the night was far advanced, a certain deity,whose surpassing radiance illuminated the whole of Jetavana, approached the Blessed One,
恭敬禮拜,站立一旁。respectfully saluted him, and stood beside him.
以偈白佛言:Standing thus, he addressed the Blessed One in verse:
「眾天神與人,渴望得利益,思慮求幸福,請示最吉祥。」1. "Many deities and men longing for happiness have pondered on(the question of)blessings. Pray tell me what the highest blessings are.
遠離眾愚迷,親近諸智者,尊敬有德者,是為最吉祥。2. "Not to associate with the foolish, but to associate with the wise, and to honor those worthy of honor—this is the highest blessing.
居住適宜處,往昔有德行,置身於正道,是為最吉祥。3. "To reside in a suidable locality, to have performed meritorious actions in the past, and to set oneself in the right direction—this is the highest blessing.
多聞工藝精,嚴持諸禁戒,言談悅人心,是為最吉祥。4. "Vast learning, skill in handicrafts, well grounded in discipline, and pleasant speech—this is the highest blessing.
奉養父母親,愛護妻與子,從業要無害,是為最吉祥。5. "To support one's father and mother; to cherish one's wife and children, and to be engaged in peaceful occupations—this is the highest blessing.
如法行布施,幫助眾親眷,行為無瑕疵,是為最吉祥。6. "Liberality, righteous conduct, rendering assistance to relatives, and performance of blameless deeds—this is the highest blessing.
邪行須禁止,克己不飲酒,於法不放逸,是為最吉祥。7. "To cease and abstain from evil, to abstain from intoxicating drinks, and diligent I performing righteous acts—this is the highest blessing.
恭敬與謙讓,知足並感恩,及時聞正法,是為最吉祥。8. "Reverence, humility, contentment, gratitude, and the timely hearing of the Dhamma, the teaching of the Buddha—this is the highest blessing.
忍耐與柔和,得見眾沙門,適時論信仰,是為最吉祥。9. "Patience, obedience, meetig the Samanas(holy men), and timely discussions on the Dhamma—this is the highest blessing.
自制淨生活,領悟於聖諦,實證涅槃法,是為最吉祥。10. "Self-control, chastity, comprehension of the Noble Truths, and the realization of Nibbana—this is the highest blessing.
八風不動心,無憂無污染,寧靜無煩惱,是為最吉祥。11. "The mind that is not touched by the vicissitudes of life, the mind that is free from sorrow, stainless, and secure—this is the highest blessing.
依此行持者,無往而不勝,一切處得福,是為最吉祥。12. "Those who have fulfilled the conditions(for such blessings)are victorious everywhere, and attain happiness everywhere—To them these are the highest blessing."